ICT - In order to provide opportunities for its lecturers, postgraduate students, students as well as those interested in science in Quy Nhon to listen to some of the world-famous scientists talk about scientific topics with a view to fostering the dream of learning as well as pursuing the passion for scientific research, Quy Nhon University in collaboration with the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE) held a scientific talk. The University makes an announcement of the talk and organizational plan as follows:
- Speaker: GS. Jerome Friedman, Director of the Institute for Quark Research, Masschusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics.
- Subject: Are we really made of quarks?
- Time: 15h00, August 8, 2018 (Wednesday)
- At Hall B - Quy Nhon University
- Participants: lecturers, University staff, postgraduate students, students of Quy Nhon University and Binh Dinh’s science-loving people

Image: ICISE
Some pictures of Jerome Friedman's talk and activities:
The talk focused only on the topic of quarks. With simple, clear and vivid illustrations, the talk was really catchy and attractive to the audience. Following the talk was a very exciting and exciting Question-Answer session between the professor and the students. It is believed that such scientific activities will contribute to the developing of passion for science among the University’s lecturers, students in particular and Binh Dinh’s science-loving people in general.