1. General information:
Quy Nhon University's Foreign Languages Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) was established under Decision No. 1563 / QD-DHQN dated 17 September 2010 by the Rector of Quy Nhon University
Name in Vietnamese: Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn
- Name in English: Quy Nhon University’s Center of Foreign Languages.
- Abbreviated to: QNU-CFL
- Office: Room 109 - Lecture Hall A2, 170 An Duong Vuong, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh Province.
- Website: ttnn.qnu.edu.vn
- Email: ttnn@qnu.edu.vn
- Phone: 0256.6533.888
2. Functions and tasks
a. Functions
The Center has the functions of providing foreign languages training services for all subjects, meeting the requirements of the society; administering assessment tests to assess learners’ foreign language proficiency levels as entrance or exit requisite based on decisions issued by Quy Nhon University; coordinating with other organizations to train, foster, administer tests and issue certificates of foreign languages by national or international standards.
b. Missions
i. Facilitating the implementation of training programs, fostering the capacity of foreign languages to meet the needs of learners.
ii. Enrolling and managing learners.
iii. Compiling or selecting teaching materials suitable for learners and meet the standards of the training programs.
iv. Administering tests, evaluating and issuing certificates of completion of foreign languages training programs run by the Center. Administering tests and issuing foreign languages certificates in the national education system when fully satisfying the conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
v. Performing relevant tasks such as translation and interpreting.
vi. Improving professional qualifications and skills for the teachers employees of the Center.
vii. Conduction activities to improve the training quality of the Center.
viii. Publicizing the conditions for the assurance of training quality.
ix. Undertaking other tasks assigned by the University.
3. Organizational structure of the center
- The leaders of the Center appointed by the Rector of Quy Nhon University, tenure of 2017-2022:
+ PhD. Nguyen Tien Phung - Manager
- Chief of Accounting - Administrative Affairs Division: Nguyen Huu Truc, MA
- Head of training Division: Tran Thi Da Thao, MA
- Accountant: Nguyen Minh Hai, BA
- Office staff: Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam, MA and 8 part-time employees
- Teachers at the Foreign Languages Center include some lecturers from the Department of Foreign Languages ame some contract lecturers from other universities.

4. Training programs:
IELTS: IELTS 1, IELTS 2, IELTS 3, IELTS 4 (Từ 4.5 đến 7.0)
- TOEIC: TOEIC 1, TOEIC 2, TOEIC 3, TOEIC 4, TOEIC 5, TOEIC 6, TOEIC 7 (From Beginner to > TOEIC 750)
- Tailored English: Basic, Intermediate và Advanced)
- APTIS Support Programs: teaching 4 language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Intensive English based on the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages: level 2/6, level 3-5/6
- Intensive French based on the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages: level 2/6, level 3-5/6
- Intensive Chiness based on the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages: level 2/6, level 3-5/6
5. Testing programs:
- Administering the English, French and Chinese language proficiency tests based on the Vietnamese 6-level framework of reference for foreign languages with certificates issued by Quy Nhon University.
- Cooperating with the British Council in administering IELTS, APTIS tests at Quy Nhon University international with certificates issued by the British Council.
- Cooperating with IIG Vietnam in administering TOEIC, TOEFL ITP tests at Quy Nhon University with certificates issued by IIG.