Notice No. 579 / TB-BGDĐT dated July 20, 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Training on the Conclusions of the Minister at the meeting with the Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics, the standing unit of the Mathematics Program (abbreviated as IASM), section 2.3 (Regarding the construction of the regional centers for mathematical research), clearly stated that
"Setting up a project to develop 3 Mathematics Departments of 3 universities including the University of Natural Sciences under Hanoi National University, the University of Natural Sciences under the National University of Ho Chi Minh City, Quy Nhon University, to becomes 3 centers for training and researching Mathematics in the region and participating in the implementation of the activities of Mathematics Program"; and "Building an International Center for Basic Science Research under Quy Nhon University into a center of self-control and regular self-expenditure, supported with funding through scientific and technological tasks. Assigning the Department of Science, Technology and Environment to study in detail the difficulties in establishing this Center and report to the Minister prior to September 30, 2018. Assigning IASM to study and propose the implementation of activities of the Mathematics Program for the Central Region and the Central Highlands at this Center. "
In order to develop according to the above-mentioned orientation, the Department of Mathematics has developed a development plan with objectives, orientations, development scale and direction, priorities, etc., clearly showing the mission and vision as of 2030 as follows:
Mission: Striving to become a prestigious department of training high-quality human resources in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics, especially high school teachers in Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands as well as the whole country; and is a prestigious scientific research center for theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics in the region and the world.
Vision: Improving the quality of training and scientific research for the cause of training, meeting the demand for high-quality human resources of the society, contributing to the implementation of the objectives of the National Key Program for Mathematics Development to ensure Vietnam's Mathematics to develop sustainably, contributing positively to the development of the country and enhancing the position of Vietnam’s Mathematics in the international arena.
In 1977, two years after the reunification of the country, in the difficult context of the whole country in all aspects, Quy Nhon University of Education (Quy Nhon Pedagogical University) was officially established with the task of training and supplying a corp of high school teachers, of which the Central Coast and Central Highlands as well as the whole country were facing a serious shortage. The Mathematics Department was one of the first five Departments of the University at that time.
In the early days of its establishment, the University and the Department of Mathematics could not avoid difficulties and shortcomings in terme of facilities and staff. Although the Establishment Decision was issued in December 1977, until 1978, the University was officially granted the facilities from Quy Nhon College of Education, which was established after the liberation day. At that time, the Department staff were formally formed with only 10 lecturers consisting a number of teachers who were seconded from Northern universities of education, some teachers from Quy Nhon College of Education and some young teachers graduating from some Northern universities. Facing the great responsibility that the Party, the State and the education sector entrusted, the University and the staff of the Department of Mathematics quickly shaped the construction and development for its future.
Fully aware of our country’s moral principles: “Drinking water, one must remember the source" and "Eating fruit, one must show gratitude to those who plant trees", the generations of the Mathematics Department’s lecturers never forget the hard early days with a few first teachers. Especially, Mr. Nguyen Quy Khang, Dean of the Department and Mr. Phan Dinh Khao, Vice-Dean of the Department overcome many difficulties to place the first bricks for the Department of Mathematics. Students in the first course of the Department mostly from northern localities. By 1980, some new divisions were formally formed, facilitating the development orientation and improving professional skills for the lecturers. In 1983, Mr. Vo Tiep from Hue Pedagogical University was sent to the University to lead the Department of Mathematics. He, together with Mr. Phan Dinh Khao, Nguyen Mau Vy, the 2 Vice-Deans of the Department and the whole staff to continue building and developing the fledgling Mathematics Department.
At that time, the Department still faced a shortage of lecturers and did not have much experience in teaching and training, but with the job dedication, enthusiasm and responsibility, only a few years later, the Department could undertake most of the basic curriculum of the university training program. Over time, the contingent of teaching staff has been increasingly supplemented, the Department’s young lecturers have been sent to training institutions, both at home and abroad, to attend post-graduate training programs. Since then, the training quality of the Department has been improved, and a number of scientific research topics and research works of the Department’s lecturers, which are implemented and published, increase considerably in both quantity and quality.
On the basis of those achievements, many lecturers such as Tran Tin Kiet (1989), Nguyen Van Kinh (1991 and 2003), Nguyen Sum (1999), Vo Lien (2002), Dinh Thanh Duc, Mai Quy Nam (2004), Nguyen Thai Hoa (2009), Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hue, Chau Xuan Sinh, Nguyen Thi Sam, Pham Van Cuong, Tu Thi Ngat, Mr. Hoang Tran Thach, Nguyen Xuan Thao, Nguyen Dinh Huy, Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy, Ho Anh Minh, Pham Xuan Binh, Le Van Duc, Nguyen Xuan Ngan, Lam Sanh Hao, Nguyen Duc Minh, etc., have continued to lead the Maths Department to overcome difficulties.
Continuing the tradition and achievements of many generations of lecturers and students, the Mathematics Department has grown strongly, becoming one of the few reliable and high-quality training and research addresses in the region and the whole country. In order to meet the demand for human resources for the society, the Department of Mathematics has offered the Bachelor of Informatics program since 1992 and the Bachelor of Mathematics Science program since 1998. Also in this year, the Department of Mathematics was the first department of the University to qualify and was allowed to offer master's programs in "Primary Mathematics Method". In 2000, the Department was given permission to run two other master’s programs in "Math calculus", "Algebra and Number Theory".
Especially, recently, in 2013, these two study fields also became the two study fields in the first doctoral programs of the University. The change of the economic and political situation of Vietnam requires Quy Nhon University of Education to switch to multidisciplinary training (with a new name, Quy Nhon University). The Department of Mathematics also changed quickly, the Department’s lecturers promptly responded to all aspects of the profession for the multidisciplinary training requirements of the University. Thus, at present, the Department of Mathematics is training many disciplines with many levels, from undergraduate, Master’s to Doctoral. In the past 40 years, the Department of Mathematics has trained more than 4,500 Bachelors of Pedagogy, more than 400 Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science, more than 2,500 Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics, over 3,000 in-service Bachelors, 18 master's programs with more than 800 postgraduates. The Department's first doctoral training program was also completed with 3 doctoral students successfully defending their doctoral dessertations. The Department of Mathematics has just completed a project to offer a university training program in "Applied Mathematics" with two key study fields: "Data Science" and "Math-Informatics Application" in anticipation of providing high-quality human resources for the region and the country, meeting the rapid development of the 4.0 revolution which is currently taking place globally.
The achievements recorded by the Department of Mathematics are thanks to the help of Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi University of Education, Institute of Mathematics, University of Limoges (Plus The French Republic, Center for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy), etc. In addition, the support of the units in the University, the leadership and direction of the University’s through-the-period Party Committee and Board of Directors. The Department has also fostered cooperation and research cooperation with local and international research institutes, universities. Many Department members participate in research cooperation at international research institutes and the Department also welcomes many leading experts from around the world to work and teach at the Department. The image of the Department of Mathematics has therefore really spread, always earned the love and respect of learners, parents and society. With these achievements, the Department of Mathematics was honored to receive the Third Class Medal (1997) granted by the State, as well as many honors and certificates of merit from at-all-level educational institutions, organizations and departments.
With a tremendous effort, the spirit of overcoming difficulties, studiousness, creativity and solidarity, especially the tradition of "Teachers instruct students and seniors help juniors", generations of teachers and students of Quy Nhon University's Mathematics Department have been making with many future plans to record more impressive achievements.
Incomplete statistics and figures below are not simply achievements because none of the successes are suddenly, but behind them is the effort and enthusiasm of all generations of the Mathamatics Department’s staff and its students on a 40-year journey full of hardships and challenges. Each person's name, image, and line of words demonstrates the tremendous effort made by the Department of Mathematics to fulfill its mission successfully. Many generations of Maths graduates has travelled to all parts of the country, using their knowledge and talent to serve the construction and protection of the country.
They take up key positions in not only the education sector but also others of most provinces in the Central Highlands region and the whole country. Thanks to these alumni, the position of the Department of Mathematics, is strengthened.
The Department of Mathematics is a common home for Maths enthusiasts. With so much potential, we have the right to hope fot the coming good days. Although aware that ahead of us are a lot of difficulties and challenges, the Department’s lecturers and students are willing to strive for better achievements so that the Mathematics Department deserves to be one of the leading departments of Quy Nhon University - a 40-year-old university in the "martial arts land".
- 1978 – 1980: Mr. Nguyễn Quý Khang
- 1978 – 1984: Mr. Phan Đình Khảo
- 1983 – 1989: Mr. Võ Tiếp
- 1989 – 1991: Mr. Thầy Trần Tín Kiệt
- 1991 – 1999: Mr. Nguyễn Văn Kính
- 1999 – 2002: Mr. Nguyễn Sum
- 2003 – 2004: Mr. Võ Liên
- 2004 – 2009: Mr. Đinh Thanh Đức
- 2009 – 2016: Mr. Nguyễn Thái Hòa
The Department of Mathematics is one of the first five departments established under the Decision to establish Quy Nhon Pedagogical University (Decision No.1842/QD dated December 21, 1977 by the Minister of Education).
Quy Nhon University has an over-40-year history of years of training and scientific research. The programs run by the Department related to basic math, applied mathematics consist of:
- Undergraduate programs: Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics (including: Data Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics).
- Master’s programs: Mathematics Analysis, Algebra and Number Theory, Primary Math Method.
- Doctoral programs: Mathematics Analysis, Algebra and Number Theory.
- The Department of Mathematics currently has a staff of more than 43 with postgraduate degrees in Mathematical Theory, Applied Mathematics, Math Methodogical Methods, including 6 Associate Professors, 1 DSc holder, 25 PhD holders, 16 Master’s degree holders (including 9 PhD students), 2 bachelor’s degree holders. Of PhD holders, more than 80% graduated from educational institutions in European and American countries.
The Department’s organizational structure

List of the leaders of the departmental organizations
1. Department’s Board of Directors |
Dean |
Thái Thuần Quang |
1966 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. |
Vice-Dean |
Ngô Lâm Xuân Châu |
1981 |
PhD |
Vice-Dean |
Mai Thành Tấn |
1981 |
PhD |
2. Department’s organizations |
Department’s Party Committee |
Mai Thành Tấn |
1981 |
PhD, Secretary |
Nguyễn Thị Phương Lan |
1965 |
MA, Vice-Secretary |
Đinh Công Hướng |
1974 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Department’s Party Committee member |
Department’s Inter-Youth Union |
Lê Thanh Bính |
1987 |
PhD, Secretary |
Department’s Student Union
Department’s Trade Union |
Nguyễn Văn Vũ |
1990 |
PhD, Chairman |
Phan Thanh Nam |
1974 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Chairman |
Huỳnh Minh Hiền |
1982 |
PhD, Vice-Chairman |
Lâm Thị Thanh Tâm |
1980 |
PhD, Department’s Trade Union Member |
3. Divisions & Divisional Heads |
Division of Analysis
Division of Algebra & Geometry
Division of Applied Mathematics
Division of Methodology |
Thái Thuần Quang |
1966 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. |
Lê Thanh Hiếu |
1982 |
PhD |
a. Formal
(From the leading mathematics teacher training department to a prestigious multidisciplinary training department)
- 1977 – now: The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education
Upon completion of this degree, students are able to teach at high schools, professional high schools, vocational schools, universities, colleges or work in research institutes and government agencies, production companies and businesses where a good knowledge of mathematics is needed.
- Number of graduates: Over 4,500
- Number of undegraduates: Over 250
- 1992 – 1998: The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Graduates are able to work as IT professionals for organizations or work for information technology companies.
- More than 400 graduates of 6 programs had been trained. After that, the Division of Applied Computer Science was separated to establish the Department of Computer Science (now the Department of Information Technology).
- 1999 – now: The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Upon completion of this degree, students are able to work at research institutes, government agencies, production companies and businesses where a good knowledge of mathematics is needed, or if competent enough, they can go on to graduate school. Mathematics graduates are also able to teach at universities, colleges, professional secondary schools, vocational schools as well as solve some problems that arise in reality.
- Number of graduates: Over 2,500
- Number of undegraduates: Over 150
b. Non-formal
(Offering training courses on upgrading university standards for secondary school Math teachers according to social needs and requirements by localities).
Graduates have their professional knowledge improved from the College to the University level and are able to take the professional management positions at secondary schools and local Education Offices.
- offering joint training programs at many institutions in Central Vietnam and te Central Highlands such as Pham Van Dong University, Dak Lak Teacher Training College, Da Lat Teacher Training College, KonTum Teacher Training College, Dak-Lak Continuing Education Centre, Phu Yen Continuing Education Centre.
- Number of graduates: Over 3,000
- Number of undegraduates: Over 150 students
- The training programs of the Department are designed to ensure that learners are provided with information, knowledge, thinking methods as well as operational and soft skills through computerized, interdisciplinary and highly specialized modules of mathematics and education science, in line with the relevant international curriculum.
- The training programs are updated regularly. The curriculum of the Department is designed on the basis of referring to the curricula offered in the mathematics departments of some domestic and international universities. Specifically, the curriculum of the pedagogical program was in reference to that of Hanoi University of Education; the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program was in reference to that of Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi; the curriculum of Applied Mathematics and Statistics programs was in reference to Hanoi Polytechnic University, National University of Singapore, KU Leuven University (Belgium).
- The entry scores for Math candidates of the Department of Mathematics, especially the Math Education, has always been among the highest in the University.
a. Master’s programs
After graduation, MA students are able to take up teaching posts in professional secondary schools, vocational schools, universities, colleges or work in research institutes, management agencies, companies and businesses where a good knowledge of mathematics is needed or if qualified enough, the are able to continue to do doctoral programs.
The Department has offered 19 MA programs with 3 study fields.
- 1993 – now: Primary Math Method
- In 1993, associated with the University of Natural Sciences, Hanoi National University offered the first 2 courses.
- In 1998, the Department of Mathematics was officially allowed to run this master’s program.
- 2000 – now: Calculus Math
- 2000 – now: Algebra and Number Theory
- Graduated: More than 800 students
- Currently: Nearly 200 students
b. Doctoral training
After completing the training program, PhD holders in Mathematics Analysis are able to take up teaching posts, do scientific research and handle professional management at training institutions, educational management agencies and other social organizations; participating in the design, implementation and management of educational projects in the field of their training fields, topics of basic scientific research and applications.
- Has offered 2 progams with 2 study fields have awarded PhD degrees to 6 PhD students
a. Scientific research
Research topics at all levels: Since 1982, the Department’s lecturers have implemented
12 NAFOSTED topics
20 ministerial-level projects
Many projects at the grassroots level and the Institute level
Scientific articles:
From 1982 to 2018, more than 399 scientific articles by the Department’s lecturers were published in domestic and international journals. Of these, more than 172 articles were published in ISI journals.
Especially, from 2012 to 2018, the Department’s lecturers had more than 157 articles published with more than 144 articles in ISI journals.
Every year, many of the Department’s lecturers take part in researches at the Institute for Advanced Mathematics Research.
2013 – present: Calculus Math
2013 – now: Algebra and Number Theory
Master’s training programs are associated with the University of Limoges and Aix-Marseille (France). Every year, Mathematics students are selected to continue the Master 2 program at these universities. Some final year students of the Department of Mathematics, after graduation, have also been considered for admission to the Master's training program at the above universities.
Research directions
Complex Analysis in Infinite Dimensional Space
Analyze Variational Calculus, Optimal Theory
Math Formulas and Applications
Stability Theory, Observation Theory
Harmonization Analysis and Operator Theory
Probability, Statistics and Applications
Hit Problem for Polynomial Algebra and Application
Calculated Algebra
Weird Theory, Real Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra
The Theory of Teaching Mathematics
1 Ta Quang Buu Award 2017
1 Young Math Prize of the 2015 Mathematical Institute
1 First Prize of Scientific Work for Young Lecturers at Higher Education Institutions in 2018.
44 prizes of Mathematical Works of the Advanced Research Institute of Mathematics from 2012 to 2018.
b. International conferences
The Department of Mathematics has successfully organized many international conferences and seminars:
• Conference on Algebra - Geometry - Topology and Application, 2000.
• Discrete Math Conference, 2001.
• The second international conference on Abstract Analysis and Application, 2005.
• The 7th National Congress of Mathematics (2008)
• The 7th Vietnam-Japan Conference on Commutative Algebra, 2011.
• The 1st Central Highlands Mathematical Conference (2015),
• International Conference on New Directions in Optimization, Analytical and Application Integration, 2016.
These conferences attracted a lot of domestic and foreign mathematicians and gained a good reputation.
Besides, the Department of Mathematics successfully organized the National Student Math Olympiad examinations in 2004, 2011, 2016. The Department’s Olymlic teams of Mathematics students are always highly appreciated in the Mathematical Olympiad exams for always achieving high prizes. Especially in 2017 at the Olympic examination held at Phu Yen University, the Department’s team was awarded the Certificate of Merit for the excellent team.
c. International cooperation
Many groups of scientists in the field of Mathematical Theory and Applied Mathematics include many staff members in the University for many years collaborating with scientists and other research groups in research institutes and university in the world such as:
Limoges University (France),
Aix-Marseille University (France),
Deakin University (Australia),
Macquarie University (Australia),
Beijing Normal University (China),
Cologne University (Germany),
West Georgia University (USA), ...
Many organic scientists from the strong research groups of the University in the directions such as Harmonization Analysis, Operational Theory, Optimal Theory, Optimal Control, Motivation, etc., are invited to participate (long- and short-term) research projects at these institutions. In contrast, many experts in the above research fields have also come to Vietnam and worked with the research groups of the Mathematics Department.
d. Training cooperation
The Department of Mathematics has a master's training link with some higher-education institutions such as:
- Limoges University, France
- Aix-Marseille University, France
The Department of Mathematics is always interested in building an environment for undergraduates and postgraduate students to actively learn and practise, creating opportunities to absorb the knowledge in the process of training and self-training. The Department’s assistant, secretary, academic advisors, together with the Department’s Inter-Youth Union and Student Association always accompany and give support to undergraduates and postgraduate students throughout their learning and training process to perfect their ethical qualities, knowledge and career skills as well as other life skills.
Students attending the University are provided with accommodation, information about employment, practice, and advice if required. Students are allowed to participate in many career-oriented exchange activities connected to local and regional educational and business establishments. In addition, students have the opportunity to receive scholarships from individuals and organizations, both at home and abroad (Vallet Scholarship Fund and scholarships of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics under the National Key Program for Mathematics Development, phase 2010-2020, etc), receive support from the "Young Talented and Difficulty-overcoming Student Fund" of the Mathematics Department.
With an interactive education and training environment, combining scientific research, learners can maximize their creativity, knowledge and skills in the process of training to achieve good results. Besides, the Department regularly consults employers about adjusting the training programs in accordance with social practices. After graduation, students and postgraduate students of the Department have many opportunities for employment and professional development. Specifically, the graduates are:
• able to teach Mathematics in schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities
• able to teach Maths in international schools
• able to work at centers, scientific and mathematical research institutes, both at home and abroad
• provided with attractive job opportunities, ensuring over 95% of jobs after graduation if completing an additional short-term training program (3-6 months) in one of two orientations:
• The program coordinates with FUNiX Online University and with software companies: FPT software, Kins Solutions, TMA Solutions to train professional software development human resources from the industry-standard Mathematics, "from non-IT students to professional software developers”.
• The program cooperates with TMA Solutions on training human resources in data science for final-year students with attractive employment opportunities in their homeland of Binh Dinh (the Data Science Center of TMA Solution - Lap 7 Binh Dinh) and companies in key industrial areas across Vietnam.
• Graduates are able to go on to study Master's and Doctorate programs in Mathematics at the Mathematics Department as well as prestigious domestic training institutions.
• Graduates are able to go on to study abroad: Connecting international master’s programs of the Institute of Mathematics, Master of Applied Mathematics Program Vietnam - France of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences, the Mathematical Diploma Program of the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy; Master scholarship of Aix-Marseille University, France.
In addition to the lecture hall and the University’s facilities, the Department of Mathematics has a professional room located at the Information and Documentation Center of the University with a specialized bookcase (including textbooks, reference books and monographs) with over 3,000 books in foreign languages.